Sunday, July 20, 2008

Five New Photo Folders

Five new folders full of photos have been added to  Check the site to see new pictures from Callie, Julia and Conner (three folders).
Don't forget our Reunion Party this coming Saturday (7/26) and our Friendship Club presentation on August 8!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Survey Now Available On-Line

We want to know your thoughts about your Mission Trip experiences and how we can make next year's trip even better.  If you haven't completed your survey yet, please take a little time to do so while it's still fairly fresh in your mind.
To make it easier, you can now complete the survey on-line.  To do so, just go to:
If you prefer to complete your survey in a Word document that you can email to or fill in by hand and turn in to Cindy in the Student Center, you can download it from:
Parents, we'd like to hear your thoughts also.  Please download the following survey, complete it and return it as mentioned above:

Be The Chicken Video

Don't miss the Be The Chicken video that is now posted at  This remarkable production was performed by Marina and Amy on the bus ride home.  Be sure to turn up the volume so you don't miss the show.
New photos from Tim's work-site have also been posted.

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Photos and Some Quick Reminders

1.  More photos have been added to  Pictures from Katelyn, Doyle and Randall have been added today.
To help you keep track of which photos you've scanned and which ones you still need to look over, look at the dates of each folder from the main screen to find folders of photos that have been added since the last time you looked.
2.  Mission Trippers  -  Don't forget to complete and send in your Post-Event Questionnaire.  We really want to know what you thought of this year's Mission Trip and how we can make it better next year.
3.  Mission Trippers  -  Don't forget to join our Mexico Mission Trip Reunion Party on July 26 (6:00-8:00) at the Nassau Bay Pool (18250 Nassau Bay Dr.).  Please send an email to to let me know if you can join us or not.  That way we can estimate how many hamburgers and hot dogs to bring.
4.  Mission Trippers  -  Also let me know at whether you will be able to join our presentation to the Friendship Club on August 8 (probably 9:30 or 10:00).  If it is like past years, they'll have a pizza lunch for us after our presentation.
5.  Parents  -  Don't forget to complete and send in your Parent Questionnaire.  We really want to know what you thought of the processes associated with this year's Mission Trip and how we can make it better next year.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Questionnaire for Parents of Mexico Mission Trippers

In addition to getting feedback from those who went on the Mexico Mission Trip last week, we'd also like to get feedback from parents on the topics that impacted them.  Our plan is to take those comments to make next year's Mission Trip even better.
If you are a parent to a Mission Tripper, please download the questionnaire from one of the links below, complete it and email back to me ( or turn in the completed form to Cindy's drawer in the Student Center:

New Photos and Videos Have Been Posted

New photos and videos have been posted to - and will continue to be posted as they arrive. 
Check that photo site often to see when new photos are posted.  New directories will be created when new photos are posted so you can just look for new directories instead of digging through folders you have already checked.  I won't always post a new blog article when new photos are uploaded.
You will find two new folders: Pics-Andrea and Pics-Dana.  Lots of good photos in both.
Look especially for some videos (.mov files) in Pics-Andrea to see walls go up and to see Lauren ride the bull.

Photos of Julia's Foot

Here are four pictures that I have of my foot.  I took a lot so that I could get good ones, and these are the best.  The two pictures with my foot on a grey background were taken today, so that is what it looks like now.  The other two where taken on Sunday night.  The one picture with my feet side by side is showing how my foot was swollen.  I hope you like them, and I still think my foot looks pretty :)
    Visit and go to 80703-JuliasFoot to see the photos

Mexico Reunion Party (July 26) and Other Important Information

Here is lots of important information that you need to know:
1.  Mark your calendar now to join our Mexico Reunion Party on Saturday, July 26 at the Nassau Bay Pool from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  We'll have another game of Ultimate Water Polo, we'll eat hamburgers and hot dogs, we'll watch the trip video, we'll share memories and we'll make plans for our Friendship Club presentation on August 8.
2.  Also mark your calendar now to be present at the presentation we will give to the Friendship Club on August 8 telling them about our trip and experiences.  We'll make plans for this presentation at our Mexico Reunion Party on July 26.
3.  We want to know what you thought about the trip!  Attached is a questionnaire we would like you to complete.  Either complete the Word .doc version and email back to me ( or print either version and turn in your completed form to Cindy's drawer in the Student Center.  We're also working on an on-line version and will post the link at when it is ready.  You can also download this questionnaire at:
4.  We want your photos!  If you took photos last week, please get a CD of them to Cindy or me so we can post them at and consider them for our video.
5.  Do you have anything you want to post to the blog?  If so, just email me (  You'll find an update from Julia and a comment from Doyle on the blog now.



Update from Julia

I thought I might tell you the update on my foot. I did indeed go to the doctor, actually I went to an emergency care place Sunday after dinner because it fit into the schedule better than going to my regular doctor. I got an x ray and my foot is not broken...yeah!!!  Thank the Lord... and they just said take Advil, put ice on it, and keep it elevated.  Since then, the swelling is mostly gone and the only thing is, it looks really purple, blue, black, and red from all the bruising, and it still hurts, but it will heal and be fine. 
So that is what has happened to my foot.  If you want you can pass on the email because I do not really have many people's email. Well anyways, I am already missing Mexico and can't wait to go next year!!!

Comment from Doyle

I just wanted to let you know how Kate has been transformed by the trip.  She led us in a devotional from her book from the trip tonight and ended with a prayer that brought tears to my eyes.  She has truly been renewed from the inside out.  It has been an experience that has touched both of us very deeply.  I truly appreciate your arm twisting to get me to go.  I wouldn't have missed this trip for anything. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Photos Available for Viewing and Downloading

Photos from last week's Mexico Mission Trip have been and will continue to be posted at the following web-site for your viewing enjoyment:
Not only are you able to view the photos but you can also download any that you would like in full resolution so you can keep them and make prints of them.  If you have batches of photos you would like, send me an email of which ones and I can make a zip file for you to speed up your downloading of them.
Since someone's trash is another's treasure, I have not filtered out many photos.  This means that you currently have over 800 photos available, which will likely grow to over 1000 by the time we get them all in.  There will certainly be numerous photos you want of yourself, your friends or your students.
The photos are organized by date and theme.  Just click on the folder ion the left to see the photos in that folder.  Click on the download icon under a particular photo to view a larger version and to download it.
Please contact me ( or Cindy Dube ( if you have any photos we can share.