Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Photos Available for Viewing and Downloading

Photos from last week's Mexico Mission Trip have been and will continue to be posted at the following web-site for your viewing enjoyment:
Not only are you able to view the photos but you can also download any that you would like in full resolution so you can keep them and make prints of them.  If you have batches of photos you would like, send me an email of which ones and I can make a zip file for you to speed up your downloading of them.
Since someone's trash is another's treasure, I have not filtered out many photos.  This means that you currently have over 800 photos available, which will likely grow to over 1000 by the time we get them all in.  There will certainly be numerous photos you want of yourself, your friends or your students.
The photos are organized by date and theme.  Just click on the folder ion the left to see the photos in that folder.  Click on the download icon under a particular photo to view a larger version and to download it.
Please contact me (kurt@biblestoriesforadults.com) or Cindy Dube (cdube@gdlc.org) if you have any photos we can share.

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